Trademark Registration

Register Trademark Online

Protect your brand to ensure exclusive rights

Why register a trademark?

Valuable Asset

Valuable Asset

A trademark is a company's intangible asset that can be used like any other property: sold, leased, or pledged to a bank. However, a trademark can only be legally accepted as an asset after registering with the National Intellectual Property Center of Georgia Sakpatenti.
Protection from unlicensed use

Protection from unlicensed use

Once registered, your trademark will be protected against any possible cases of illegal reproduction. Otherwise, infringers will face administrative, civil, and criminal liability.


Registering a trademark (TM) will allow you to build a franchise network.

Trademark Registration Process

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    Preliminary Check

    After receiving the initial description of the trademark designation and company activities, we check for identical or similar trademarks and pending applications to avoid potential clashes.

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    Official Application

    We prepare a package of application documents, including a list of appropriate trademark classes. You confirm that the information is correct and ready to be filed.

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    Application Review

    You can track the progress of your application and all formal communication with Sakpatenti in your personal AETIS account.

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    Trademark Registration Certificate

    We will notify you of Sakpatenti's decision regarding your trademark registration application.

Register a Trademark

Protect valuable intellectual assets from unlicensed usage.

Benefits of Online Registration


AETIS offers a turnkey solution for trademark registration. No need to worry about the tedious details of the legal procedure. Let us do all the work!


The entire process, from applying to obtaining a trademark certificate, is entirely online and can be managed through your AETIS profile.

Saves Money

When registering your trademark online, you get a 20% discount from Sakpatenti on their fees and a 20% discount on our fees.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a trademark designation?

What do I need for trademark registration?

How long does trademark registration take?

Can I speed up the registration process?

When can I start using the trademark?

Is the trademark protected during the application verification process?

What countries does trademark registration cover?

Can I apply for worldwide trademark protection?

Partners Who Trust AETIS

Bravo Records
Primo Music