ISNI Registration

Register Artist Name Or Alias

Protect your creative identity with the help of ISNI International Agency

What is ISNI?

Used by numerous libraries, publishers, databases, and rights management organizations worldwide, ISNI (International Standard Name Identifier) refers to the 16-digit number, also known as the “creative passport,” which links the author with their works.

ISNI system is one of the most internationally trusted and respected names in IP protection. ISNI is accessible for any author, creator, or rights holder.

Benefits ISNI

money A shared global system for artist names and pseudonyms;
money International transactions made easy;
money Universal presence in digital databases worldwide;
money More convenient management of IP rights.

Use ISNI to monetize your content anywhere in the world

The unique identifier received during registration will accurately identify you as the author of content on digital platforms working with ISNI

Who can apply?

ISNI and public creative profile - the reputation of your name and creative activity
Use ISNI to monetize your content

Musicians and musical bands

Artists and designers






Blogers and content creator


Frequently Asked Questions

What is ISNI again?

Why is ISNI registration a must for artists?

Why is ISNI a superior alternative?

How does the ISNI registration process work?

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ISNI Registration